Available via the keys property of the Client.

See the full docs on the KeyService.

Create key

Creates a new API key for the api with the given ID.

result = await client.keys.create_key(
    "api_123", owner_id="jonxslays", prefix="test"

Verify key

Verifies that a key is valid, and within ratelimit.

result = await client.keys.verify_key("test_123DEF", "api_789")

Revoke key

Revokes access and removes the key with the given ID.

result = await client.keys.revoke_key("key_456GHI")

Update key

Updates the key with the given ID.

from unkey import Refill, RefillInterval

result = await client.keys.update_key(
    meta={"billing_tier": "premium"},
    refill=Refill(1000, RefillInterval.Daily)

Update remaining

Updates the number of verifications remaining for the key with the given ID.

from unkey import UpdateOp

result = await client.keys.update_remaining("key_456GHI", 100, UpdateOp.Set)

Get key

Retrieves details for the key with the given ID.

result = await client.keys.get_key("key_789JKL")