Elixir SDK for interacting with the platform programatically.


The package can be installed from Hex PM by adding unkey_elixir_sdk to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

Note: This project uses Elixir version 1.13.

def deps do
    {:unkey_elixir_sdk, "~> 0.2.0"}

Start the GenServer

In order to start this package we can either start it under a supervision tree (most common).

The GenServer takes a map with two properties.

  • token: Your Unkey root key used to make requests. You can create one here required
  • base_url: The base URL endpoint you will be hitting i.e. https://api.unkey.dev/v1/keys (optional).
 children = [
      {UnkeyElixirSdk, %{token: "yourunkeyrootkey"}}

# Now we start the supervisor with the children and a strategy
{:ok, pid} = Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

# After started, we can query the supervisor for information
#=> %{active: 1, specs: 1, supervisors: 0, workers: 1}

You can also call the start_link function instead.

{:ok, _pid} = UnkeyElixirSdk.start_link(%{token: "yourunkeyrootkey", base_url: "https://api.unkey.dev/v1/keys"})